Underworld, The Chemical Brothers, Kendrick Lamar, Limp Bizkit, Major Lazer + Studio Dennis Parren :) All part of this year’s Lowlands Line-up. For this year’s Lowlands Festival we’ve created an 18m high sculpture of light called ‘Lift’. One of our biggest sculptures to date! More updates + images will follow during and after the Festival takes place.
From the Lowlands website:
“This year there will be a huge sculpture standing next to the X-Ray, from Studio Dennis Parren nicknamed ‘Lift’. Be amazed by this 18m high rocket powered by light, colour and coloured shadows. Because light is everything, everything around you, on the ground and in the air. And let that be exactly where we want to go with Lowlands, Kiss Another Sky!”
“Naast de X-Ray staat dit jaar een gigantisch bouwwerk van Studio Dennis Parren met de bijnaam de ‘Lift’. Laat je verwonderen door een achttien meter hoge raket die wordt aangedreven door licht, kleur en gekleurde schaduwen. Want licht is allesomvattend: het is alles om je heen, op de grond en in de lucht. En laat dat precies zijn waar we heen willen op Lowlands. Kiss Another Sky!”
This year’s Lowlands Festival is held on the 21st, 22nd & 23rd of August 2015